Tuesday 20 April 2010

A busy weekend for Time Was

Last weekend, the 18th & 19th saw Time Was... at the Sheffiled Triples 2010 event in of all places Sheffield, and also on the 19th at Huntingdon Toyfair.

On the Saturday we made our way to the English Institute of Sport, more importantly the Netball Court. A well organised wargaming event had us set-up in no time and soon after the doors opened we had our first sale. Even though it was to go on till 6 pm, the event appeared to be a success and Saturday was a long but very good day for Time Was... This was a big show, plenty of traders and demonstration games as well tournament games, and we may have been a little fish in a big pond but we were doing very well.

Sunday though was not so good, for a couple of events. One of which was the Sheffield Football derby between United and Wednesday. This seems to be the cause of the low turnout on Sunday and because of that we did very little trade, which due to other reasons perhaps wasn't too bad as our minds were not completely on the ball.

At Huntingdon toyfair we fared a lot better. Sales were up although all we had were the fairies and fantasy figures due to room space in the car. But due to events we were very gratefully supported by Paul and Peter, who managed to keep spirits up, and more importantly get through to Sheffield. Many thanks go to those two!!!

All-in-all not too bad a weekend trade wise, but a weekend we'd rather not have had.

Perhaps a bit cryptic but then some folks will know why.

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