Monday, 1 March 2010

It's been a while

After a holiday in North Wales, wet & windy as it was it was still good to get away. But it was back to the rounds of Toyfairs and the like. Having missed out on one of our favourite toyfairs at Spalding as we travelled to the land of the Daffodils, Time Was... last Sunday went down to East Anglia and one of Nicholas Parsons' well known haunts, Norwich. It was just like being in Wales, wet & windy, the weather must have been following us around!! Though it was only our second time there, we did have some folks who came back and bought from us again, which was nice. In fact it turned out to be a very good day and well organised as usual by JJ Webb Toyfairs.

The new Doctor Who End of Time figures, featuring the regeneration of 10th to 11th Doctor and the Master and Narrator from the excellent Christmas Episodes were dematerializing at a very fatst rate. Also the new Star Wars figures felt the force of peoples pounds.

Together with the fairy and fantasy figures it was a very good if long day.

Next stop Bakewell.

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