Sunday, 15 February 2009

Double Toy Fair Day!!

First it was Friday the 13th, then it was St. Valentines Day and today, the 15th, it was Double Toy Fair Day!!

We were at Huntingdon for our usual date at the Wood Green Animal Centre, only that Anne was there and I was at the Hammerhead 2009 event at Kelham Hall in Newark.

The toy fair went ok, but then Anne couldn't take too much stock as she was in the Corsa, and that's not like a TARDIS, it is smaller on the inside than the outside!! But overall she did good as they say somewhere.

I was at the Hammerhead event which was organised by COGS, the Chesterfield Open Gaming Society. It was the first time that Time Was was at the event, is that too many times and was'es???? But I was impressed by the way it was organised. There were games galore going on, being played by lads & lasses of all ages, youngest I saw was perhaps 7 and the oldest, well that had to be the Doctor himself, 700 years if not a day too old!!

Yes you read right!! The Doctor accompanied by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and two Daleks were on hand handing out tips to the gamers, both to the good guys and the Daleks to the bad guys!!

And trade wise it was a big success, folks knew what they wanted and fortunately Time Was had it.

So it was a very successful event, well done COGS!! Here's looking forward to 2010.

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