Sunday, 29 March 2009

Memorabilia - Spring 2009

Memorabilia 28 and 29th March.

Well to quote an old football cliche, 'it was a tale of two halves'!

After a somewhat hectic journey to the NEC to try to get there before 8:30 on the Saturday we just managed it by 8:20, and despite the NEC's stupid traffic control system we were in the hall and set up, but still pricing when the doors opened at 9:00.

We got off to a good start and with fits and starts throughout the day we thought we had had a gud'un, and were hoping for somewhat similar on the Sunday. Oh dear!!! It wasn't even half as good compared to what we did on the Saturday so overall, what with the table rent, petrol, and not to mention the lack of sleep because of course the clocks went forward, we actually didn't cover costs. A big surprise after what we thought was an excellent Saturday.

Anyhows that's the whinging over. We did manage to grab some bargains which will turn into profit to compensate, though that will take time.

Away from the selling Anne tucked her head in on the Red Dwarf chat, in which Craig Charles apparantley did a good turn. I sat in on the Gerry Anderson one with Francis Matthews, maybe a bit short but still interesting, and he didn't mention Morecambe & Wise once.

Also there signing away, just across the aisle from us was Richard Kiel, Jaws from James Bond, Melvyn Hayes of It Ain't 'Alf Hot Mum, and other folks from the James Bond films. Over the other side of the hall was Robert Vaughn, and depending on your age as to who he is, he'll always be Napoleon Solo to us. Doctor Who folks were there, and amongst the others some Carry On faces as well. But the biggest queue I saw was for Stephanie Beechem, Emmerdale has something to answer for, or thats what I thought until put right by Anne who said its Coronation Street and young Ken would be jealous of all her attention!!

So all-in-all a disappointing weekend after a promising start.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

World Of Warcraft

Ever played the online original game but found it too long and too awkward to keep playing?? Then try the WOW, that's World of Warcraft to the uniniated, miniatures game that's now in stock at Time Was and

Upper Deck has decided to make a tabletop version of World of Warcraft, where you play with miniature figures.
It will be the first time Upper Deck - which makes the trading card game - has entered the tabletop fantasy wargaming market, which has been dominated by Games Workshop for so long.
You can get the Starter Set and Booster Sets. Characters that can be collected range from orc boss Thrall to community favourite Leeroy Jenkins, and each will be created by industry veteran Studio McVey.
The rules are just like its virtual counterpart, too - you tackle dungeons in groups of five and fill action bars with skills and abilities.
So try the game and you'll be more than impressed!!

Monday, 9 March 2009

Doncaster Toyfair

Doncaster again, back at the Races! Doncaster Racecourse, Sunday 8th March. Well it was a nice sunny start to the morning and the going was good to firm at set-up time, but as the day progressed the wind and the rain and the snow lashed down and the going became soft as the punters went upstairs for their lunches.

Were'nt we glad that we were indoors. Well we were as trade was good, especially in the fairy department and the witch department which can be seen on the website at and also sounds more like Grace Brothers. Downstairs in the lingerie department, I mean the toy department there was a nice run on Clix. Clix is a gaming system that brings together Aliens & Predators with Batman, Superman and Co. These can be seen at

All in all not a bad day, some folks had one, but at Time Was we had another great day at the Races. Just as well the bookies were shut!!