Today, Sunday, was another early start for a Toyfair, this time at the NEC in Birmingham, hosted by DJ Fairs. This is a large fair and usually well attended by eager buyers, but unfortunately not today. It could have something to do with John Barrowman, of Torchwood and Doctor Who fame and not to mention those shows that Kevin Spacey apparantly dislikes. Not wanting to blame Captain Jack but he was at Collectormania today at Milton Keynes, just down the road from the NEC and by all accounts the BIG draw there.
Wouldn't have been so bad if we had managed to sell a Captain Jack poseable figure to compensate, but never mind there is always next time.
We did manage to pick up though quite a few bargains ourselves, which are now relisted on our website, under Thunderbirds Products.
So a rather long day, but at least the weekend wasn't all too bad. Nottingham Forest got promoted, at last!!!